Rigging Selector
Boat Type
Use the drop down to select your current or future boat type.
Boat Length
Select a corresponding boat length for your current or future boat.
Engine Category
Use the drop down to select your current outboard technology or the outboard technology you plan to have in the future.
Use the drop down to select your current horsepower or future horsepower. (This is individual engine horsepower, not total horsepower.)
Number of Engines
Use the dropdown to select the number of engines you currently have or plan to have on a future boat.
Control Type
Select your preferred control platform.
Helm Location
Select whether you have (or will have) a single station or both a single and a second station.
Select your preferred instrumentation.
Recommended Rigging
Below are rigging recommendations based on your selections for your current or future boat. Click “Find a Dealer” to select a preferred dealer with whom to explore rigging.

Controls Options
Touchscreen Options
Gauges Options
Switches Options
Other Options
The Rigging Selector is a tool for selecting controls, gauges and related accessories for your current or new four stroke Yamaha outboard. The system supports manufacturing year 2006 outboards and up. Consult with your local Yamaha dealer for more information.