Lifestyle / POSTED 16-Dec-2024;

A Season of Thankfulness

As the hustle and bustle of the holiday season steadily increases, it’s important to remember to stop and reflect on all the things you are truly thankful for. The freedom to recreate on the water and enjoy the great outdoors is truly a gift. These opportunities serve as great ways to build lifelong memories with friends and family. There’s always something to be thankful for in every situation, but it’s our perspective that determines that. Wes Logan is a perfect example of an individual who has found a positive in a negative situation and is reflecting on what he’s truly thankful for during this season.  

Several years ago, at a Bassmaster Classic®, I had the privilege of being introduced to B.A.S.S.® Elite Series Pro and Yamaha Pro Angler, Wes Logan. He shared his appreciation for safe boating outreach, and we bonded over a passion for competitive fishing. During the Classic Expo, a high-school angler asked to take a photo with Wes and I, which started a friendship over always sharing a positive influence whether that’s through a major life event or the willingness to take a simple photograph with someone you can inspire. This season of thankfulness, we reflected on two distinct instances on the water that reminded us of the value of practicing safety on the water and living each day to the fullest. 

Yamaha Pro Wes Logan's accident gave him a new perspective about safety on the water.

During this year’s Elite event on Lake Champlain, following a hurricane, Wes was running to his starting fishing spot when he struck a submerged dock that broke away during the storm. The dock was completely under the water’s surface making it undetectable to him, or any boater, while navigating Lake Champlain. Upon colliding with the dock, he was thrown from the driver’s seat causing his head to impact the port side gunnel of the boat. Service crews immediately rendered aid to Wes stranded in his boat on the water, the tournament staff reacted quickly, and emergency personnel was at the dock waiting for Wes’ arrival. Wes was evaluated by the local hospital, received several stitches, but was eagerly back catching a limit of bass that afternoon to regain valuable Angler of the Year points.  The dock Wes’ boat contacted caused his engine to be completely ripped off the back of the boat. The only thing that kept his engine from sinking or propelling into the boat was The Leash.  A reminder to always prepare for the unexpected on the water, which Wes did exceptionally well. 

Having been in a boating accident myself back in 2017 due to a hydraulic steering failure, there are a lot of ways I can relate to what Wes went through. The main thing is how quickly things can happen that are completely out of your control. Wes highlighted three key points to help keep you safe any time you’re recreating on or near the water. 

• Always wear a life jacket 
• Vessel operators should always use and attach the engine cut-off switch 
• Constantly be aware of your surroundings 

Life jackets and engine cut off devices are critical for staying safe on the water.

You never know what you may encounter on the water but taking additional precautions like performing a visual boat inspection, filing a float plan, and going beyond the required safety regulations are critical to staying safe on the water. “I’ve tried to use the accident to make people more aware of how fast something bad can happen on the water no matter how much experience you think you have,” said Logan. It’s important to prepare for the unexpected things you may encounter on the water and take the steps to add in additional safety measures you might not think you need, until one day you do. “One key thing I’ve tried to show everyone and one of the main reasons I’m here to tell this, is THE LEASH from Precision Sonar. It is a mechanism designed by them to keep the engine from coming up into the boat in the case of it breaking loose from the boat, and it 100% did its job.” 

As we head into the holiday season and a season of thankfulness, I’m incredibly thankful for individuals like Wes Logan, who remind us of the importance of enjoying life to the fullest and always practicing good safe boating habits anytime we’re on or near the water. Maybe you can relate to a life event that changed your perspective, or an experience on the water that encouraged you to always take safety seriously. “It definitely put life into a new perspective for me. It made me really appreciate waking up every day and to not take a single moment for granted because it could be your last,” reflected Logan. No matter what you’ve been through, those experiences have shaped you into who you are today and give you a true appreciation that each day is a gift. 

Yamaha Pro Wes Logan is grateful for his safety devices that protected him during his accident, and grateful for the change to be on the water again.

As the holiday season closes in, what are you the most thankful for? Never take a day for granted, soak up every opportunity, and build lasting memories on the water. “I’m thankful to still be here after my accident, thankful for my beautiful wife, my awesome parents, and great supportive friends.” This holiday season set aside time to share stories, reflect on life experiences, encourage others, and truly be thankful for the gift of life!

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