News / POSTED 11-Jul-2023;

Yamaha Announces Ready to Repower Sales Event

KENNESAW, Ga., July 11, 2023 —Yamaha Marine celebrates the 2023 boating season with the announcement of the “Ready to Repower” sales event. For a limited time, customers who purchase select eligible, new Yamaha four-stroke outboards in the 150-to-425 horsepower range have the opportunity to add dealer credit and Yamaha Extended Service (Y.E.S.) for more coverage with the purchase, installation and activation of a Siren 3 Pro. In addition, customers who purchase select eligible, new Yamaha four-stroke outboards in the 50-to-115 horsepower range also have the opportunity to add dealer credit and Yamaha Extended Service (Y.E.S.) for more coverage.

“The ‘Ready to Repower’ sales event builds in big value with the purchase of a variety of Yamaha four-stroke outboards, while also providing incentive for customers to create Connected Boat experiences through Siren 3 Pro,” said Susan Camp, Division Manager, Marketing, Yamaha U.S. Marine Business Unit. “The promotion also offers incentives for customers who choose Bennett Trim Tabs as an add-on to their purchases – there’s really no better time to repower.”

Through the new promotion, customers who purchase eligible, new Yamaha outboards in the 150-425 horsepower range can realize additional value with the purchase and installation of a Siren 3 Pro and Bennett Trim Tabs. With purchase of a Siren 3 Pro, customers who choose outboards in the 150-300 horsepower range can add three years of Y.E.S. coverage to three years of Yamaha Limited Warranty coverage for a total of six years of warranty protection, in addition to $1,000 in dealer credit.

Customers who purchase eligible 425-horsepower Yamaha four-stroke outboards along with a Siren 3 Pro have the ability to add two years of Y.E.S. coverage to five years of Yamaha Limited Warranty coverage for a total of seven years of warranty protection in addition to $1,000 in dealer credit.

As a bonus, customers who purchase a Siren 3 Pro and a new, eligible Yamaha outboard in the 150-425 horsepower range and also purchase a set of Bennett Trim Tabs will receive an additional $1,000 in dealer credit to use towards goods and/or services.

The ”Ready to Repower” sales event also allows customers who purchase eligible, new Yamaha outboards in the 50-to-115 horsepower range to add three years of Y.E.S. coverage to three years of Yamaha Limited Warranty coverage for a total of six years of warranty protection in addition to $250 in dealer credit.

Yamaha’s “Ready to Repower” sales event is effective for eligible, new Yamaha four-stroke outboards purchased from July 11, 2023, through September 8, 2023.

Additional terms and conditions apply*. Consumers should see authorized, participating Yamaha outboard dealers for a complete list of eligible outboards and all terms, conditions and procedures.

Yamaha Marine products are marketed throughout the United States and around the world. Yamaha Marine Engine Systems, based in Kennesaw, Ga., supports its 2,000 U.S. dealers and boat builders with marketing, training and parts for Yamaha’s full line of products and strives to be the industry leader in reliability, technology and customer service. Yamaha Marine is the only outboard brand to have earned NMMA®’s C.S.I. Customer Satisfaction Index award every year since its inception. Visit

*PROGRAM TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Consumer benefit for purchasing a new (unused, not previously warranty registered) eligible Yamaha 50hp to 115hp four-stroke outboard is a 36-month Yamaha Extended Service contract (choice offered in Florida is a 36-month Yamaha Limited Warranty) and $250 in dealer credit towards purchase of rigging parts and/or services. Consumer benefit for purchasing a new (unused, not previously warranty registered) eligible Yamaha 150hp to 300hp four-stroke outboard and purchasing, installing, and activating a Siren Marine Pro 3 unit is a 36-month Yamaha Extended Service contract (choice offered in Florida is a 36-month Yamaha Limited Warranty) along with $1,000 in dealer credit towards purchase of rigging parts and/or services; consumers who also purchase a set of Bennett Marine Trim Tabs will receive an additional $1,000 in dealer credit towards purchase of rigging parts and/or services. Consumer benefit for purchasing a new (unused, not previously warranty registered) eligible Yamaha 425hp four-stroke outboard and purchasing, installing, and activating a Siren Marine Pro 3 unit is a 24-month Yamaha Extended Service contract (choice offered in Florida is a 24-month Yamaha Limited Warranty) along with $1,000 in dealer credit towards purchase of rigging parts and/or services; consumers who also purchase a set of Bennett Marine Trim Tabs will receive an additional $1,000 in dealer credit towards purchase of rigging parts and/or services. NO BENEFIT SUBSTITUTIONS. To be eligible, outboards must have been manufactured since January 2016. Promotion is only applicable from authorized participating Yamaha Outboard dealers in the U.S.A. sold to purchasing consumers residing in the U.S.A. Promotion is limited to available stock in dealer inventory that is sold, PDI completed, delivered and warranty registered on YMBS by the dealer in accordance with Yamaha’s promotion and warranty registration requirements during applicable dates. No model substitutions, benefit substitutions, extensions or rain checks will be allowed. Outboards sold or provided for commercial, camp, resort, guide, promotional/demo, government agency, competition, tournament or sponsorship, as well as outboards introduced after 1/1/2023, are not eligible. Purchase of Siren 3 Pro is only the base unit and does not include any sensors. This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other Yamaha offer. Some exceptions may apply. See authorized participating Yamaha dealer for complete details. Yamaha reserves the right to change or cancel this promotion at any time. Other restrictions and conditions apply.

**The Siren Marine unit must be installed on the boat with the registered outboard unit and requires the consumer to maintain a 90 day Siren Marine subscription found at Installation and activation of subscription must be completed by October 8, 2023. Limit (1) Siren 3 Pro unit per boat. Only new Siren customers are eligible to receive this offer. Limit (1) rigging credit per customer on the purchase of Bennett Trim tabs.


This document contains many of Yamaha's valuable trademarks. It may also contain trademarks belonging to other companies. Any references to other companies or their products are for identification purposes only and are not intended to be an endorsement. 

REMEMBER to always observe all applicable boating laws. Never drink and drive. Dress properly with a USCG-approved personal floatation device and protective gear.

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